Real Estate

We have a profound knowledge of the real estate market and we are therefore qualified to provide advice that is tailored to the specific needs of our clients.
We advise, namely, in due diligences, in operations for the purchase and sale of property and the constitution of other rights in rem on the same, in mortgage operations, in the preparation, negotiation and execution of rental contracts (urban and rural), contracts for the use of shops, construction contracts (new works and urban rehabilitation) and other service provision contracts related to construction and real estate mediation activities.
We also provide advice on issues related to horizontal property and condominiums, namely:
- Accompaniment or representation at Condominium Meetings;
- Drafting condominium regulations
- Preparation of legal opinions;
- Demand for payment – extrajudicial debt collection;
- Judicial collection of debts – foreclosures.
Real estate law is the set of legal rules and principles that regulate the ownership, acquisition, possession and exploitation of real estate, as well as the relationships between the people involved in these activities. It includes issues related to purchasing and sale, lease, usucaption, mortgage, in rem rights, and urban planning, among others. It is a branch of private law that involves issues related to real property and the legal relationships between the parties involved.
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