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Real Estate Law in Portugal: What is it, who is it for and what is it for?

The property market in Portugal has grown significantly in recent years, attracting both domestic and foreign investors in search of promising opportunities. With this increase in demand for property and the dynamics of the sector, the need for legal expertise in the field of Real Estate Law has become essential to guarantee security and success in transactions.

In this article, we will explore the importance of property law in Portugal, highlighting how it applies to the various parties involved in the market, from landlords and buyers to tenants and construction companies. In addition, we will understand how the services of a property law firm can provide essential technical and legal support to protect your interests and guide your decisions.

What is Property Law in Portugal?

Real Estate Law is an area of law that covers all the rules and regulations relating to real estate and the legal relationships involving property, land, buildings and other elements linked to the property sector in Portugal. It deals with issues such as buying and selling property, leasing, usucaption, regularisation of documents, deeds and registrations, as well as the legal aspects governing condominium management.

Who is property law for in Portugal?

Real estate law is relevant to various players involved in the Portuguese property market:

  1. Property Owners: Whether you are an individual or a company that owns a home, plot of land, or development, property law guarantees the protection of your rights and interests about your assets.
  2. Buyers and Sellers: For those wishing to acquire or dispose of property, whether through purchase and sale, exchange, or donation, Real Estate Law is essential for formalizing secure transactions and guaranteeing the legal transfer of ownership.
  3. Tenants and Leaseholders: Individuals or companies that rent or lease property also benefit from Real Estate Law, as it establishes the rights and duties of the parties involved in the lease agreement, guaranteeing a transparent and balanced relationship.
  4. Builders and Developers: Companies that work in the construction and commercialization of real estate projects must follow the sector’s specific regulations to guarantee the legality of their operations.
  5. Real estate brokers: Professionals who intermediate the purchase, sale, or rental of property must be aware of the rules and regulations of real estate law to offer an adequate and safe service to their clients.
  6. Condominiums: Administrators and organizations representing the collective interests of owners in buildings or condominiums must be aware of urban planning and condominium legislation to properly manage the development.

What is Property Law in Portugal?

Property law in Portugal has a number of important functions aimed at guaranteeing legal certainty and protecting the interests of all parties involved:

  1. Protection of Property Rights: Real Estate Law protects the right of possession and ownership, avoiding conflicts and property disputes, as well as defending the rights of owners against undue invasions and usucaptions.
  2. Regulation of property transactions: Real estate law establishes the legal procedures for buying, selling, donating, exchanging, leasing and other types of property deals, ensuring that all transactions are carried out correctly and safely.
  3. Guarantee of well-drafted contracts: By advising on the drafting and analysis of real estate contracts, Real Estate Law avoids ambiguities and protects the parties involved, ensuring that all terms and clauses are clear and in compliance with the law.
  4. Regularisation of documents and registrations: The Real Estate Law law firm is responsible for dealing with the regularisation of documents, deeds and registrations, guaranteeing the legitimacy of operations and properties.
  5. Condominium and Urban Planning Advice: Legal services in this area assist in the administration and resolution of conflicts in condominiums and collective properties, ensuring compliance with urban planning and land use regulations.


Real estate law in Portugal is a fundamental pillar for the country’s property market, providing the security and peace of mind needed to carry out successful transactions and protect the assets of those involved. If you are looking for legal support in property law, our firm, Oliveira&Gomes advogados, is ready to offer all the support you need to achieve your goals safely and efficiently.

Book a meeting with our team of property lawyers now and find out how we can help you with your property transactions and investments in Portugal.

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