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Carina Mealha

With extensive experience in human resources leadership and a strong capacity for resilience in the face of any obstacle, my aim is to work daily to acquire further knowledge.

  • OCTOBER 2023 | Internship Course – Ordem dos Advogados – Faro Regional Centre.
  • OCTOBER 2023 | Postgraduate course in Digital Evidence in Civil Procedure – CIDP – Private Law Research Centre.
  • SEPT- 2023 | Master’s Degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences – University of Lisbon Faculty of Law.
  • 2019-2023 | Law Degree – Universidade Lusófona do Porto Average 16 points.
  • 2010 | Degree in Civil Engineering – University of the Algarve – unfinished.
  • 2007-2010 | Secondary Education in Science and Technology – Pinheiro e Rosa Secondary School – Faro Average 14 marks.
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